Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Sun of Afterlife

I walked into the room with my hands wide open with possibility and held nothing but great love I walked through the doors and entered a room where a man who sat waiting in a four by four room
Walking a simple step would turn into an imagination complex where you create your own world
Your world could be anything and this anything could be perfect
A great story that desires a great heart
A heart so powerful that could turn your night into light with just a kiss through the air
A room that would open up a dark chapter and make it passable with a simple hike to memory lane
A life one thought couldn’t be open has just open doors so wide one couldn’t have missed
Leafs fall and rain turns into snow and your heart becomes warm
A room so powerful it brought nothing but soft endings
Journeys through volcanoes and terrifying lava turned into a super hero movie
A movie that would always let you shine and wouldn’t be forgotten
Chapters after chapters was possibilities one could have walked through instead of an end
I have not loved before and I have not found the answer of why
Fear of letting myself enter a world of real desire frightens me
I find myself as perfect as the world I have created and the world I have created is the world I am stuck in
A world where I find the man who sat in his four by four room just waiting for the one
His story has ended with kisses my story hasn’t began
I have walked into reality with wide open possibility and am holding nothing but great love

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